Monkie Kid Fanzines

LMKFanzine is an account dedicated to creating fanzines for the animated show Lego: Monkie Kid! Our current project is titled Megapolis Mania and is currently in creation!


Host/Shipping Mod

Why Do They Call It Oven When You Of In The Cold Food Of Out Hot Eat The Food

TK / Atlas

Socmed & Org Mod

man i love making zines


Graphics Mod

reject modernity embrace tradition im goin back to legos BABEYY


Art Mod

The sun and the moon™ and TLT has irreparably changed my brain chemistry, obviously


Server mod

TMNT Casey Jones Enjoyer. That s my entire Personality


Server/Event mod

Hi, my name is Candy AKA Cat/Mae Mae, whichever you prefer! I am a digital artist, somewhat of a writer, the host’s boygirlfriend, & a server and event mod for the zine!


Graphics mod
any pronouns

the bark is flying


Art Mod

Hi, I’m Nov! Imagine helping put together a zine, couldn’t be me


Finance Mod

Hi, i'm Nana ★ i've been defaulted to be given things related to peaches and mangos and i'm not gonna complain about it


Formatting / Event Mod

She in awe of my tism

What is a fanzine?
A fanzine is an unofficial collaborative collection of artworks and writing, usually based on a theme, combined into a booklet.
What is this zine about?
Our zines are centered around the animated show Lego: Monkie Kid. Our second project, Megapolis Mania, has a theme of slice of life!
What is the rating for this zine?
Our zines are rated SFW!
If we were to ever host a zine that extends past the rating of our source material (TV-Y7),
it would be rated PG-13 at most.
Will this zine be physical or digital?
Megapolis Mania will be both digital and physical!
Will there be merch?
There will be both digital and physical merch.
Who is allowed to apply as a contributor?
Anyone above the age of 13 at the time of application is allowed to apply as a contributor.
Do I need a Discord account?
Discord will be our primary form of communication, so yes! If you do not have an account, you will need to create one.
What happens to zine pieces after the project ends?
Contributors retain full ownership over their piece and retain the right to do as they wish with said piece after the zine concludes! We only ask that contributors not share or post their pieces until after the mods grant such permissions.
Which characters are we allowed to feature in this zine?
Any characters from Lego Monkie Kid!
Is ship content allowed in the zine?
This is dependent on the theme of the zine.
Will contributors be compensated?
Currently, our plan is to provide every contributor with a physical copy of the zine, as well and a full digital bundle. Whether we will be able to grant each contributor a full bundle of merch in addition will be dependent on preorders, and any funds generated from that.
Where will the zine’s profits go?
All profits will be channelled solely towards production costs. This includes compensating our contributors.

1. You must be at least 13 years of age at the time of application to apply.2. Unless otherwise stated, our zines are solely SFW. DO NOT submit NSFW art/writing in your application.3. All works must be made by the applicant, no plagiarism is tolerated!4. You must be able to work well with others.5. You must be able to make deadlines. If for whatever reason you are unable to make a specific deadline, you must tell one of the moderators at least 2 days in advance.6. While you are allowed to apply for multiple roles, please note that it is not guaranteed that you will be accepted for multiple.7. You must submit at least 2 pieces that feature Monkie Kid characters.8. Any links submitted must be accessible to us. Please make sure to adjust permissions so that we may properly assess your application. If we cannot access your portfolio, we will be forced to consider your application null.

Be sure to read our full Info Doc for more details!


Most recent updates are at the bottom! Please follow our Twitter for the most up to date information.

Dec 6, 2023Received first proof, noticed significant issues/damage. Decided to find a new manufacturer.
Jan 7, 2024We found a new manufacturer and put in an order for a proof!
Jan 30, 2024New proof received and approved! Zines are officially in production. An email was sent to all customers, clarifying the delays.
Jan 31, 2024As a final update to our production updates thread, we posted a zine flip-through and showcased all of our merch!
Feb 21, 2024The zines arrived to our Shipping Mod!
March 3, 2024Our shipping period officially began! All Zine Only orders were shipped!
March 22, 2024All orders for Aussie Heat were shipped!
March 23, 2024The first batch of Golden Cicada Yum Yum orders was shipped!
March 25, 2024The remaining orders for Golden Cicada Yum Yum were shipped!
April 6, 2024First batch of Destiny Fulfilled was shipped!
April 14, 2024Second batch of Destiny Fulfilled was shipped!
May 12, 2024A typo is discovered in the dedication of the zine. The mod team begins discussion to order reprints.
May 24, 2024Over 100 Full Bundles were shipped, ending our shipping period!
June 12, 2024Digital Bundles are sent to all customers!
June 12, 2024Reprint information is sent to all customers in an email.

Applications are open!

Prospective applicants may apply as page artist, merch artist or writer! If you would like to apply for multiple roles, please be aware that you may only be accepted for one role.

Accepted page artists will be expected to create 1 full page of art for the fanzine. There will be no spread artists. Accepted merch artists will be expected to design 2-3 pieces of merch. Accepted spot artists will be expected to work with 1-2 writers to create 2-3 small illustrations to accompany a piece of writing. Accepted writers will be expected to write 1 self-contained story of 2K words. Applications close on January 14th! If you need a refersher on what's required in your application, check out our Info Doc on our Guidelines page!